Sunday, September 22, 2013


Rhodes surprisingly has a strong French influence dating back to the middle-ages when St. John’s knights made the island the center of their society. There is a lot of fantastic architecture dating back to the period. The ship docked right at the old city walls.

We first walked to the temple of Aphrodite which is about the only thing that was identifiably Greek in origin. After this we walked up the Knight’s Road to the Palace of the Grand Master. Both of these were very impressive and the shopping along the way is good, definitely save your money for Turkey if you happen to follow our foot-steps someday.

We spent our afternoon relaxing on a massive pebble beach. This was our first encounter with a super-beach in the Mediterranean. It’s very apparent that Greece is one of Europe’s vacation destinations in the summer.  If you happen to also visit a beach, buy your beers from a guy with cooler at 2euro as opposed to the bars that rip you off at 7 or 8euro.

Jay showed off his diving skills on a 10m diving platform and both of us enjoyed going for a warm swim in the sun.

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