Sunday, September 22, 2013

Night out in Jerusalem

After checking into our hotel in Jerusalem, we went out again to the Old City. Here we saw the Western Wall at night. It became very apparent to us how intermingled the three major religions are in the city. Israel definitely does a lot to protect not only its own monuments, but also those of Islam and Christianity – they deserve credit here.  Standing at the Western Wall you are overwhelmed by the focus and dedication of the worshippers at the site. Many of the devout are entranced in prayer. At 9pm while standing here the Islam call to prayer came on loud and clear, reminding us of how many different faiths call Jerusalem home. We borrowed yarmulke (small hats) from the bin and made our way to touch the wall. Inside the cracks are thousands of small pieces of paper with prayers and hopes on them. Truly a place we think everyone should see in their lifetime.

From here we took a short bus ride to the newer downtown of the city to experience some of the nightlife. We walked around for some time in search of Ben Yehuda street as recommended by a good friend of ours.  It was a Sunday night but still lively. We saw an outdoor Hebrew karaoke bar where young people were singing and clapping and a little further a rather unique street performing crew.

From here we walked a bit further and stumbled upon a quiet alleyway with small restaurants and Christmas lights hanging. We settled in and had a few beers before heading back to the hotel on the Tram. The tram system is very modern and safe and an awesome example of how to revitalize and connect previously cut off communities. 

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